Use grids/tables to report on multi-dimensional questions. Below are the question types that report as a grid; each question's table format is unique.Dropdown Menu List Continuous Sum Star Ratin...
Use the Insert Tool to add a Standard Report element for values passed in via URL variables , Hidden Value Actions , or for SSO Attributes passed in via the SSO Authentication for survey respondents feature. URL Variables and SSO Attributes ...
Using the Insert Tool within the Standard Report, you have the option to add an element for Email Campaign Contact Fields as well as Email List Custom Fields (if applicable).
The response timeline shows the number of responses (by status) that your survey has collected over time.
Scatter Plots are used to graphically represent numeric data via plotted points.
Line Charts are used to graphically represent numeric data by connecting data points via straight lines.
If you have used an SMS Campaign to distribute your survey, you have the option to include SMS Statistics in your report using the Insert Tool.
Area Spline Charts are used to graphically represent numeric data via a shaded area connected by fitted curved lines.
Horizontal Bar Charts will not show up in your report by default but are available for displaying the data for a number of different question types if you like how they look!
Donut Charts are used to report on single-select questions such as Radio Buttons.