New Articles

  1. Hide Option Title in Rating Questions

    Hiding the titles for answer options within Likert Scale questions is a very common survey design practice. For example, you may just want to display the titles for right and left-most answer options (and/or Not Applicable options) as below. The...
  2. Place Header Image and Survey Title Side by Side

    We do not have a built in feature for placing the Header Image and Survey Title side by side. This workaround works for most of our customers in most cases but may require some tweaking to get it right. If you have a solution that works better let u...
  3. Textbox Question: Display Question Text to the Left of Textbox

    By default, the text field in textbox questions is displayed below the question text. If you would prefer to display the textbox to the right of the question you can achieve this pretty quickly. Here's how: Set up your textbox question. Next,...
  4. Remove the Back Button

    For some projects, you may not want your respondents to use the back button to change answers on previous pages. You can remove the survey back button in the survey's theme:
  5. Hide Various Elements in Your Survey

    We have built-in options to remove or hide many elements in your survey. For example, the back button , the powered-by logo , progress bar and more . However, you might wish to hide an element in your survey that doesn't have a built-in option ...
  6. Move Progress Bar to the Top of the Page

    Looking to move your survey's Progress Bar to the top of the survey page? We get this question quite a bit. You'll need to make some tweaks to the HTML of your survey's theme. If you are familiar not with HTML, don't worry; it's pretty easy to accom...
  7. Style FAQ and Troubleshooting

    Our look and feel options on the Style tab are pretty powerful and, fortunately, pretty easy to use. But, from time to time questions and issues arise.
  8. Style Your Survey

    Explore the various options for customizing your survey's look and feel. Choose a different theme, add a logo, customize your font, and get your survey looking just the way you need.
  9. Move Next and Back Buttons to the Top of the Page

    Looking to move your survey Next and Back buttons to the top of the survey page? You will need to make some adjustments to the HTML of your survey's theme.
  10. Change Arrows on Next, Back and Submit Buttons to Text

    The one-at-a-time interaction for desktop and all mobile-optimized interactions will change the text of the Next, Back, and Submit buttons to arrows by default. If you're not a fan of how this looks you can use a little JavaScript and CSS to chang...