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Collect Meaningful Feedback
Leading Practice Want to view more like this? Check out our Leading Practice & FAQ Home Page ! When taking on a new project, seasoned professionals and those just starting out in their career likely all ask themselves the same question — ...
Avoid Survey Fatigue
Leading Practice Survey fatigue is a cultural phenomenon. You're probably familiar with this ironic headline: "Survey says Americans getting tired of surveys." As a tool that has made surveys so very easy to build, we accept some of the r...
Understand and Reduce Bias in Your Surveys
Leading Practice Sampling Bias - Who You Survey Sampling Bias: When some members of your survey population are less likely to be invited to be surveyed than others. If you are looking to draw conclusions about a certain group, you'll n...
Create HIPAA and FERPA Compliant Surveys
Create HIPAA and FERPA compliant surveys by following these security guidelines: enable MFA, signed BAA, enable Project Data Encryption, and secure SSL links.
Avoid Phishing and Other Scams
Phishing is a fraudulent practice where the offenders attempt to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.