Use Webhook Action to Prepopulate Questions

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Scripting and Other Custom Solutions

We’re always happy to help you debug any documented script that is used as is. That said, we do not have the resources to write scripts on demand or to debug a customized script.

If you have customization ideas that you haven't figured out how to tackle, we're happy to be a sounding board for Alchemer features and functionality ideas that might meet your needs. Beyond this, check out our Professional Services; these folks have the scripting chops to help you to achieve what you are looking for!


Pre-populate Hidden Value Actions from a Webhook Action where the call returns JSON.  While the Webhook Action has the option to "Use it to pre-populate the following questions" it doesn't recognize JSON, a popular format returned by APIs.  

Effort:      (a Javascript developer is necessary modify the Javascript for the specific data structure returned by the API called by the Webhook Action, however, this is typically a simple process)   


Alchemer users develop an example using a free API for getting sunrise/sunset information ( and prepopulate a few Hidden Value Actions.

   Step 1:  Add Webhook Page   

1. Add a new page

2. Set the page Layout > Class Name to sg-hide to hide the page

2. Add a Webhook Action to the page where:

(1) The Method Get requests data from the API
(2) The URL calls the API, this this example we'll get the data for London:
(3) The returned data is displayed so the Javascript can access it

   Step 2:  Add Hidden Values to Prepopulate   

Add Hidden Values to the Webhook page to save the information from the API call.  In this example, save sunrise, sunset, and length of the day. The Webhook page now looks like this:

   Step 3:  Add Javascript   

Add the Javascript Action at the end of this article to the Webhook page to interpret the JSON data returned by the webhook call. In our example the webhook returns JSON like this:

  "status": "OK",
  "results": {
    "sunrise": "8:05:30 AM",
    "sunset": "3:56:35 PM",
    "solar_noon": "12:01:02 PM",
    "day_length": "07:51:05",
    "civil_twilight_begin": "7:25:25 AM",
    "civil_twilight_end": "4:36:39 PM",
    "nautical_twilight_begin": "6:42:18 AM",
    "nautical_twilight_end": "5:19:47 PM",
    "astronomical_twilight_begin": "6:01:32 AM",
    "astronomical_twilight_end": "6:00:33 PM"

Our Javascript will confirm the Status is OK then save the sunrise, sunset, and day_length properties to the Hidden Value Actions we added to the Webhook Page.

A Javascript developer can adjust the code in getWebhookData() to match the structure of your JSON.

   Step 4:  Make use of the data   

For this example, we'll display the three Hidden Value Actions on the next page.

Javascript code:

/* Alchemer v01

   Prepopulate HVas with Webhook JSON response.

   Documentation and updates:
   This example code expects the JSON to be in the form:
        "status": "OK",
        "results": {
          "sunrise": "8:05:30 AM",
          "sunset": "3:56:35 PM",
          "solar_noon": "12:01:02 PM",
          "day_length": "07:51:05",
          "civil_twilight_begin": "7:25:25 AM",
          "civil_twilight_end": "4:36:39 PM",
          "nautical_twilight_begin": "6:42:18 AM",
          "nautical_twilight_end": "5:19:47 PM",
          "astronomical_twilight_begin": "6:01:32 AM",
          "astronomical_twilight_end": "6:00:33 PM"

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    { jsonKey: 'sunrise',    qid: 15 },
    { jsonKey: 'sunset',     qid: 16 },
    { jsonKey: 'day_length', qid: 17 },
  // *******************************
  // *** no changes needed below ***
  // *******************************

  const LOG = false

   * Test boolean value, alert() and throw Error if it's false
   * bool (t/f) value to test 
   * msg (string) message to alert and throw in new Error
  const assert = (bool, msg) => {
    msg = "Javascript Assert Error: " + msg 
    if (!bool) {
      const err = new Error(msg)
      throw err

   * Get an element based on its Question ID 
   * qid {int/string} question ID 
   * section = "element" {string} the final section of the element id
   * return {element} looks for id's in the form: "sgE-1234567-12-123-element"
  const getElemByQid = (qid, section = "element") => {
    const id = "sgE-" + + "-" + SGAPI.survey.pageId + "-" + qid + "-" + section
    const elem = document.getElementById(id)
    assert(elem, "Javascript: can't find element with id = " + id + ", section = " + section)
    return elem
   * Get the data object from the JSON returned by the webhook
   * return (object) The 'results' object built from the JSON 
  const getWebhookData = () =>  {
    const raw = document.querySelector('.sg-http-content').innerText
    if (LOG) console.log("raw = ", raw)
    if (!raw || raw[0] !== '{') {
      console.warn("The Webhook call didn't return JSON")
      return {}
    const jsonObj = JSON.parse(raw)
    if (LOG) console.log("webhook jsonObj = ", jsonObj)
    if (jsonObj['status'] !=="OK") {
      console.error("Webhook status = ", jsonObj['status'])
      return {}
    return jsonObj['results']
   * Hide the JSON returned from the Webhook call in case we're displaying data on
     this page.
  const hideWebhookJSON = () => {
   * Prepopulate HVA's with JSON data
   * prepopMappings (array of objects) mapping of jsonKey to prepop into QID
   * data (object) Data object parsed from JSON returned by the Webhook 
  const prepop = (prepopMappings, data) => {
    prepopMappings.forEach(prepopMapping => {
      const val = data[prepopMapping.jsonKey]
      getElemByQid(prepopMapping.qid).value = (val !== undefined ? val : "")
    console.log("done with prepop")

   * Check if this page is being shown because user clicked the Back button on the following
   * page.  If so, keep moving back.
   * return (t/f) true if moving back, when true caller should do nothing more  
  const movingBack = () => {
    var isMovingBack = SGAPI.surveyData[Object.keys(SGAPI.surveyData)[0]].page_direction === -2
    if (!isMovingBack)
      return false 

    return true
   * main()

  // Propagate moving Back
  if (movingBack()) 

  // save data from WebHook response to elements on page
  const data = getWebhookData() 
  prepop(PREPPOP_MAPPINGS, data)

  // Click Next or Submit to move to next page, leading semi-colon is required
  ;(document.querySelector("#sg_NextButton") || document.querySelector("#sg_SubmitButton")).click()
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