New Articles

  1. Remove Survey Title

    Go to the Style tab. Access the Text menu via the style sidebar. Next, expand the Text Options dropdown menu and uncheck the Show Survey Title checkbox. Apply Changes to finish.
  2. Hide Page Titles in Your Live Survey

    Page Titles are text fields that are available to use to add a topic header to each page of your survey. When you create a survey, only the Thank You page has a default page title.
  3. Use Images for Icons in Rating Likert Scale Questions

    You can easily increase the size of the Radio Button and Checkbox icons so that they are easier to select. If you are looking to change the size and colors of icons, check out this article.
  4. Change Survey Font and Font Size

    To change the font of your survey, go to Style > Text > Body Text. From here, you can choose a font, font size and font weight.
  5. White Label a Survey

    Alchemer offers many customization options for our customers looking to white-label both their surveys and their account. A white-labeled account is essentially rebranded to give the appearance that all services are coming from the account holder an...
  6. Add Colors and a Logo to Your Survey Header

    Are you looking to add a header at the top of your survey, perhaps with your logo and brand along with your survey title?
  7. Display Questions, Images and Other Survey Elements Side by Side in Columns

    Have you ever wanted to align questions into columns within a survey, or put questions next to each other on the page? The easiest way to achieve this is with the Custom Group question type which...
  8. Adjust Row Header and Slider Width in Slider List Questions

    The Slider List question was built to accommodate relatively short row headers. If you find that you need to adjust the width of either the row header or the slider to accommodate your row header text you can do so with a little CSS! Place the belo...
  9. Remove the Border Line Between Questions

    Most themes include a border line that separates one question from another. If you wish to remove this line you can do so for the entire survey or question by question Remove this line in your entire survey Go to Style > Layout > Layout Options  ...
  10. Change Color of Grid Rows

    We have alternately shaded the rows of our grid questions by default. If you wish to add more contrast to the shading you can do so using a little CSS.