Let's get y our SSO Integrations migrated to our new Alchemer domains! Along with the new alchemer application domains (app.alchemer.com, app.alchemer-ca.com, app.alchemer.eu) used for login, we have introduced new certificates for Singl...
Private domains allow you to fully brand your survey links removing any reference to Alchemer. A private domain is set up jointly by your IT department and Alchemer. Your IT department creates
In order to create a secure link that uses your private domain, you'll need to set up your SSL certificate within Alchemer.
When contacting Alchemer Support you'll most likely want to grant support access to the support team to log into your account. Doing so in advance will save potential back-and-forth.
Throughout the 7 days of your trial you'll have the option to switch to trial one of the other licenses in the top navigation bar to the left of the Active Account button.
When a Alchemer trial expires, your surveys and any collected data are stored. We'll even continue collecting data if you shared surveys with respondents while your trial was active.
If you need to change your Alchemer password, click Account > My Preferences. Then click the Reset Password button. A password reset link will be sent to the email address you see in this window.
Are you having trouble logging in? There are a couple of scenarios that might cause log in trouble. You forgot your password If you have forgotten your Alchemer login password, you can reset your password via the login screen at: https://app.alc...
Within Alchemer, the Data Retention Policy (DRP) Settings allow Account Administrators to specify how long you wish to retain survey responses.
In the event that a respondent incorrectly types a survey link in to their browser or perhaps does not copy and paste the entire survey link into the browser, a Survey Not Found Page will be displaye