New Articles

  1. Quarantine Bad Responses

    Before making decisions based on your survey data it is a good practice to clean your data. This is particularly true if you used panel respondents or provided an incentive.
  2. Edit All Question Aliases

    Question Aliases allow you to replace your question titles with short names, giving you control over your data output (in reports and exports) and helping in terms of cleaning up your survey data.
  3. Understanding Time Started and Date Submitted in your responses

    If you're looking at your responses and the time-stamp for looks incorrect, you probably just need to adjust your account time zone.
  4. Piped Data in SPSS Exports

    Utilizing Piped Data from the application in your SPSS exports.
  5. Include/Exclude Partial Responses in a Report or Export

    Using the filtering tools available in any Alchemer report, you can include or exclude responses by response status. Use these tools to include Partial responses or exclude Disqualified respondent.
  6. Export Data to FTP

    Send an export of your survey's raw data to an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) site on the Share tab of your CSV/Excel Export.
  7. How to Open a CSV file in SPSS

    If you're working in SPSS, but prefer Alchemer's CSV export settings, here is a way to open a CSV in SPSS for analysis.
  8. Is your exported raw data formatted incorrectly?

    This can happen if you have auto-formatting turned on in Excel. This feature will try to do you a favor by recognizing data and applying an applicable format. For example, any numeric compatible with a MM-DD or MM-DD-YYYY format will show as a date. If Excel has made some assumptions that do not apply to your data you can fix this up easily!
  9. Share, Email, and Schedule an Export

    Our export sharing features allow you to share results with your customers, clients, colleagues and stakeholders as soon as responses start rolling in! You can also set up a schedule for an export to run on a one-off basis, daily, weekly, or monthly and have it sent to an email address (up to 5) of your choice!
  10. Filter Export Data

    There are many reasons why you may not want to include all of your data in an Export. You may only want to see people who answer a specific question, or data from a certain date range. We allow you to do all of this with Export filtering.