Semantic Differential questions are a form of rating scale designed to identify the connotative meaning of objects, words, or concepts.
Drag & Drop Ranking questions allow respondents to rank a list of items by dragging and dropping each item in order of preference.
Conjoint is a market research question used to determine how customers value the various features that make up an individual product or service.
An Essay question is an open-text field used to gather longer open-text responses. By default, the Essay question does not have a word/character limit. You can determine the response length by set...
The Checkbox Grid allows respondents to select multiple answer options (columns) for each row in a table. Use a Checkbox Grid to group a series of checkbox questions together that share the same a...
A Number question is a short-answer, open-text field with validation that ensures entries are numbers. This is a good question type for collecting things like respondent age.
The Signature question type allows survey respondents to add their signature using a mouse or touch screen. Respondents can sign and provide their name via an open text field.
Dropdown Menu List questions allow respondents to select an option for multiple items (rows) in a list using a uniform set of dropdown answers.
A Textbox List is a list of short-answer, open-text fields with labels for each row. You can define the textbox width and choose to position the labels on the left or right side of the input field.
Dropdown Menus are single-select questions with answer options displayed in a dropdown list. We also have the ability to create a multi-select Dropdown Menu. Use Dropdown Menus to ask your respond...