New Articles

  1. Delete Contacts From Your Email Campaign

    There are several options for deleting contacts from an Email Campaign. You can delete selected contacts, delete all contacts, or delete unsent contacts.
  2. Identify Bounced Email Addresses

    A bounce is a message that has been deemed undeliverable by the email server. Once an address has bounced, there is no reason to try sending to that contact again. It impacts the overall email del...
  3. Field Lengths for Email/SMS Campaigns

    When uploading your contact list information to an email campaign, it's important to know the character limits for each field.
  4. Personalize Your Invite, Reminder, and Thank-You Emails

    Any data uploaded along with your contacts' email addresses can be used in your email campaign invite messages. Say, for example, you upload your contacts' first and last names; you can then personalize the greeting of your invite message with this ...
  5. Set Up an Email Campaign to Use your Private Domain

    Once you have your private domain configured you'll want to use it in your Email Campaigns . Learn how to ensure that all newly created surveys use your private domain by default (requires Account Administrator configuration). Otherwise, to a...
  6. Change Email Campaign Font

    The font in which you email campaign invite messages display depends on the recipient's email client. This is typically either Arial or Times New Roman. You can change this font to one of the above web safe fonts. To do so, go to the Messages tab...
  7. Testing Your Email Campaign

    We always recommend sending a test of each message in your Email Campaign to ensure proper formatting before sending out to your full contact list.
  8. Monitor Email Campaign Contacts' Progress: Who Responded, Bounced, Unsubscribed etc.

    Once you've sent out messages via an Email Campaign, you can monitor the progress of each message on the Delivery Statistics page which will have statistics for each message you sent as well as re...
  9. Using Email Addresses From Your Email Campaign in a Send Email Action Notification

    If you are using an Email Campaign to distribute your survey and you wish to send an email notification to each respondent it can be a little tricky to figure out how. In this tutorial, we'll cover h
  10. Copy an Email Campaign Within a Survey

    One of the main benefits of copying an Email Campaign is the time that you save by not having to recreate messages and customize settings. Before you copy your campaign, note items that are not copied