New Articles

  1. Using Data About Your Contacts In Survey Logic

    If you are using an Email Campaign to distribute your survey, data you upload along with your contacts will be stored and available to set up logic in your surveys.
  2. What's the Difference Between Global and Campaign-Specific Contact Fields?

    Within our email campaigns, global contact fields will update our contact management system globally. This means if you are using the same list of contacts in multiple campaigns or surveys the change
  3. Email Campaign FAQs and Troubleshooting Tips

    Email Campaigns are one of our most popular features. It is also one of our most complex features. Below are some of the most frequently asked Email Campaigns questions.
  4. Change From Email Address in Email Campaigns and Send Email Actions

    Wondering what respondents see when they receive an email from your Alchemer account? In Email Campaign messages, the from address will look like so: [From Name]* *This pulls from the From Address field in the email campaign. In Send Emai...
  5. Email or SMS Campaigns: Link Behavior

    In Email and SMS Campaigns, the save & continue functionality is controlled under Advanced Settings > Link Settings. There are three available options.
  6. Anti-Spam Requirements for Sending Emails from Alchemer

    Because we offer Email Campaigns as an option for sending out your survey, we are considered an email service provider (ESP). Thus, we are required to enforce spam laws. Spam negatively impacts deliverability rates, and we want to ensure that when y...
  7. Email Bounces

    If you have encountered bounced emails in your Alchemer Email Campaigns, you may be wondering what effects this has on that campaign and future email campaigns.
  8. Include Details From the Survey Response in a Thank You Message

    Sending thank you messages to your survey respondents to thank them for their time is a excellent survey best practice. Thank you messages are most commonly set up as part of an email campaign, however these messages do not allow you to pull content...
  9. Only Send Reminder to Respondents Who Have Partially Completed Your Survey

    Alchemer Reminder messages automatically send to contacts with a response status of Partial or Not Started. If you would like to send a reminder only to contacts with the Parial status, use the workaround described in this article. Looking to s...
  10. Survey a Random Subset of Contacts

    Using the Email Lists feature (available to account administrators) , you can send Email Campaign invites to a subset of your contacts and even have Alchemer randomly select x number of contacts that have not been surveyed in x number of days ...